


Output Files

The main output file of PWmat is the REPORT. The RELAXSTEPS file contains the total energies of the electronic and ionic SCF steps, and it is useful for the monitoring of the calculations.

Here is a comprehensive list of all important output files:

Directly readable files

File name Simple introduction
REPORT Main output file
RELAXSTEPS Information about each electronic and ionic SCF step
MDSTEPS Information about each electronic and molecular dynamics step
MOVEMENT Contains the atomic position, atomic force, et al for each ionic step
NEB.BARRIER Contains the energies along the images for each relaxation steps
final.configIs the updated atom.config file after each calculation
OUT.KPT Contains the k-point vectors and their weights
OUT.SYMM Contains symmetry operation information
OUT.OCC The occupation of eigen states
OUT.VATOM The atom center potential for SCF or MD simulation
OUT.FERMI Contains the fermi energy
OUT.FORCE Forces on the atoms
OUT.STRESS Stess tensor
OUT.QDIV The atomic charge on each atom
OUT.ENDIV The decomposed atomic energy on each atom
OUT.ATOMSPINContains local charge and magnetic moment when SPIN = 222

Binary files

File name Simple introduction
OUT.WG Contains wave function
OUT.HSEWR(i) Real space wave functions for the Fork exchange kernel for all the extended k-points on GPU(i)
OUT.REAL.RHOWF_SP The charge density or wave function in real space
OUT.RHO Charge density output file
OUT.RHO_2 Charge density for spin down components
OUT.RHO_SOM A 2×2 complex spin matrix density
OUT.RHO_4DIELECTRICThe rho_e to be used to generate the dielectric function
OUT.RHO_POLARIZE The solvent induced polarization charge
OUT.V_POLARIZE The polarization potential generated by the polarization charge OUT.RHO_POLARIZE
OUT.RHOP_VHION The polarization charge multiplied by the electric static potentail of the solute molecule
OUT.VR Total potential output file
OUT.VR_hion Hartree + Vion, the electrostatic potential without XC potential
OUT.VR_2 Potential for spin down components
OUT.VR_SOM A 2×2 complex spin matrix potential
OUT.VR_DELTA A real up-down potential
OUT.SPIN_X/Y/Z Spin charge density in x/y/z direction at every r point
OUT.EIGEN The eigen energies output file
bpsiiofil10000x Wave function to atomic orbital projection file for kpoint x


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