Spin-orbit coupling with noncollinear magnetization calculation
Spin-orbit coupling with noncollinear magnetization scf calculation for Fe
Input files
1 LATTICE 1.43407025 1.43407025 1.43407025 -1.43407025 1.43407025 1.43407025 -1.43407025 -1.43407025 1.43407025 POSITION 26 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0 0 0 MAGNETIC_XYZ 26 0 0 6
MAGNETIC_XYZ: specifies the initial magnetic moment in atom.config
1 4 JOB = SCF CONVERGENCE = difficult IN.PSP1 = Fe.SG15.PBE.SOC.UPF IN.ATOM = atom.config SPIN = 222 Ecut = 50 MP_N123 = 8 8 8 0 0 0 2 #NK1, NK2, NK3, SK1, SK2, SK3, FLAG_SYMM XCFUNCTIONAL = PBE
1.Spin: specifies spin polarization, 222:Spin-orbit coupling with noncollinear magnetization. 2.FLAG_SYMM: controls the symmetry operation, possible values:0, 1, 2, 3. 2 means: generate kpoints without any symmetry.
Spin-orbit pseudopotential files need to be used.
- You can submit PWmat tasks in different ways:
mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output
Run the command directly
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N SCF #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4 #PBS -q batch #PBS -l walltime=100:00:00 ulimit -s unlimited cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output
Submit the task with a pbs script
- After SCF calculation, you can read the final megnetic moment from REPORT or OUT.ATOMSPIN file.
grep "spin_xyz" REPORT | tail -1
>>>spin_xyz = 0.49661188020102E-05 -.48919186091819E-05 0.24426253634560E+01
magnetization # of ion x y z tot_charge -------------------------------- 1 0.000 -0.000 2.443 16.000 -------------------------------- tot_cell 0.000 -0.000 2.443 16.000
pwmat/demo/soc_nolinear.txt · 最后更改: 2024/02/04 17:45 由 pengge