



You can download PWmat from LongXun offcial website. Currently, we only provide the executable binary files, which are compiled according to different mpi and cuda versions. Before download, it is necessary to confirm the mpi and cuda versions on your machines.

  • confirm the mpi version:
$ mpirun --version
  • confirm the cuda version:
$ nvcc --version
  • according to mpi and cuda versions, download different installation packages:

a. mpi –> Open MPI 2.1.0, cuda –> 8.0:

download cuda-8.0-beta.zip, or use wget

$ wget http://www.pwmat.com/pwmat-resource/mstation-download/cuda-8.0-beta.zip

b. mpi –> Open MPI 2.1.0, cuda –> 10.1:

download cuda-10.1-beta.zip, or use wget

$ wget http://www.pwmat.com/pwmat-resource/mstation-download/cuda-10.1-beta.zip

c. mpi –> Intel(R) MPI Version 5.1.3, cuda –> 8.0:

download cuda-8.0-betaintel.zip, or use wget

$ wget http://www.pwmat.com/pwmat-resource/mstation-download/cuda-8.0-betaintel.zip

d. mpi –> Intel(R) MPI Version 5.1.3, cuda –> 10.1:

download cuda-10.1-betaintel.zip, or use wget

$ wget http://www.pwmat.com/pwmat-resource/mstation-download/cuda-10.1-betaintel.zip


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pwmat/download.txt · 最后更改: 2024/02/02 10:22 由 pengge