====== Output Files ====== The main output file of PWmat is the **REPORT**. The **RELAXSTEPS** file contains the total energies of the electronic and ionic SCF steps, and it is useful for the monitoring of the calculations. Here is a comprehensive list of all important output files: ===== Directly readable files ===== ^File name ^Simple introduction ^ |REPORT |Main output file | |RELAXSTEPS |Information about each electronic and ionic SCF step | |MDSTEPS |Information about each electronic and molecular dynamics step | |MOVEMENT |Contains the atomic position, atomic force, et al for each ionic step| |NEB.BARRIER |Contains the energies along the images for each relaxation steps | |final.config|Is the updated atom.config file after each calculation | |OUT.KPT |Contains the k-point vectors and their weights | |OUT.SYMM |Contains symmetry operation information | |OUT.OCC |The occupation of eigen states | |OUT.VATOM |The atom center potential for SCF or MD simulation | |OUT.FERMI |Contains the fermi energy | |OUT.FORCE |Forces on the atoms | |OUT.STRESS |Stess tensor | |OUT.QDIV |The atomic charge on each atom | |OUT.ENDIV |The decomposed atomic energy on each atom | |OUT.ATOMSPIN|Contains local charge and magnetic moment when SPIN = 222 | ===== Binary files ===== ^File name ^Simple introduction ^ |OUT.WG |Contains wave function | |OUT.HSEWR(i) |Real space wave functions for the Fork exchange kernel for all the extended k-points on GPU(i)| |OUT.REAL.RHOWF_SP |The charge density or wave function in real space | |OUT.RHO |Charge density output file | |OUT.RHO_2 |Charge density for spin down components | |OUT.RHO_SOM |A 2x2 complex spin matrix density | |OUT.RHO_4DIELECTRIC|The rho_e to be used to generate the dielectric function | |OUT.RHO_POLARIZE |The solvent induced polarization charge | |OUT.V_POLARIZE |The polarization potential generated by the polarization charge OUT.RHO_POLARIZE | |OUT.RHOP_VHION |The polarization charge multiplied by the electric static potentail of the solute molecule | |OUT.VR |Total potential output file | |OUT.VR_hion |Hartree + Vion, the electrostatic potential without XC potential | |OUT.VR_2 |Potential for spin down components | |OUT.VR_SOM |A 2x2 complex spin matrix potential | |OUT.VR_DELTA |A real up-down potential | |OUT.SPIN_X/Y/Z |Spin charge density in x/y/z direction at every r point | |OUT.EIGEN |The eigen energies output file | |bpsiiofil10000x |Wave function to atomic orbital projection file for kpoint x |