====== Crystal Structure Optimization (both atomic position and cell shape) ====== RELAXATION calculation for graphene, both relax atomic postion and cell shape ===== Input files ===== atom.config 4 LATTICE 2.46596583 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.23298291 2.13558905 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 6.41151115 POSITION 6 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.75000000 1 1 1 6 0.66667000 0.33333000 0.75000000 1 1 1 6 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.25000000 1 1 1 6 0.33333000 0.66667000 0.25000000 1 1 1 STRESS_MASK # optional 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STRESS_MASK: used to multiply to the stress tensor for cell relaxation, so some directions of the cell can be fixed. etot.input 1 4 JOB = RELAX IN.PSP1 = C.SG15.PBE.UPF IN.ATOM = atom.config RELAX_DETAIL = 1 100 0.01 1 0.02 #IMTH, NSTEP, FORCE_TOL, ISTRESS, TOL_STRESS VDW = DFT-D2 Ecut = 70 Ecut2 = 280 MP_N123 = 12 12 4 0 0 0 - ISTRESS: controls whether to relax the lattice vectors. - TOL_STRESS: is the stress tolerance for the maximal residual stress (eV/Natom). - VDW: used to specfiy the type of Van Der Waals correction. C.SG15.PBE.UPF C.SG15.PEB.UPF is the pseudopotential file. ===== Calculations ===== - You can submit PWmat tasks in different ways: mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output Note Run the command directly #!/bin/bash #PBS -N SCF #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4 #PBS -q batch #PBS -l walltime=100:00:00 ulimit -s unlimited cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output Submit the task with a pbs script - For RELAXATION calculation, files to watch during relaxations. > RELAXSTEPS: concisely reports about the atomic relaxation steps. A typical RELAXSTEPS file looks like: It= -1 CORR E= -0.6210369947615E+03 Av_F= 0.40E-03 M_F= 0.60E-03 Av_e= 0.22E+00 dE= 0.2E-05 dRho= 0.1E-03 SCF= 13 dL= 0.00E+00 d_AL= 0.14-320 p*F= 0.00E+00 p*F0= 0.00E+00 Fch= 0.00E+00 It= 0 NEW E= -0.6210387518836E+03 Av_F= 0.15E-02 M_F= 0.22E-02 Av_e= 0.14E+00 dE= 0.2E-04 dRho= 0.2E-03 SCF= 4 dL= -0.62E-04 d_AL= 0.21E-01 p*F= 0.51E-02 p*F0= -0.14E-02 Fch= -0.14E+05 It= 1 CORR E= -0.6210399476706E+03 Av_F= 0.71E-03 M_F= 0.11E-02 Av_e= 0.23E-01 dE= 0.2E-03 dRho= 0.1E-04 SCF= 2 dL= -0.38E-04 d_AL= 0.83E-02 p*F= 0.25E-02 p*F0= -0.14E-02 Fch= -0.14E+06 It= 2 CORR E= -0.6210399448332E+03 Av_F= 0.72E-03 M_F= 0.11E-02 Av_e= 0.23E-01 dE= 0.1E-06 dRho= 0.4E-05 SCF= 2 dL= -0.38E-04 d_AL= 0.73E-04 p*F= 0.25E-02 p*F0= -0.14E-02 Fch= -0.13E+06 ... It= 10 CORR E= -0.6210403273943E+03 Av_F= 0.21E-02 M_F= 0.32E-02 Av_e= 0.39E-02 dE= 0.4E-04 dRho= 0.5E-05 SCF= 2 dL= -0.11E-02 d_AL= 0.21E-02 p*F= 0.73E-02 p*F0= -0.11E+00 Fch= 0.17E+01 It= 11 *END E= -0.6210403273943E+03 Av_F= 0.21E-02 M_F= 0.32E-02 Av_e= 0.39E-02 dE= 0.4E-04 dRho= 0.5E-05 SCF= 2 dL= -0.11E-02 d_AL= 0.21E-02 p*F= 0.73E-02 p*F0= -0.11E+00 Fch= 0.17E+01 > REPORT: more detailed information about every electronic and ionic step > OUT.STRESS: stess tensor (eV/Naom), for cell relaxation, the stress tensor will calculated and written in OUT.STRESS. - Other important files. > final.config: holds the structure of the last ionic step, the structural result (also very important for restarting a relaxation) > MOVEMENT: holds the structures of every ionic step during relaxations.