====== Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics ======
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics calculation for Cu-Au alloy
===== Input files =====
7.68000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
0.00000000 7.68000000 0.00000000
0.00000000 0.00000000 7.68000000
79 0.25000000 0.25000000 0.00000000 1 1 1
79 0.00000000 0.25000000 0.75000000 1 1 1
79 0.75000000 0.25000000 0.50000000 1 1 1
29 0.25000000 0.50000000 0.75000000 1 1 1
29 0.00000000 0.50000000 0.50000000 1 1 1
29 0.75000000 0.50000000 0.75000000 1 1 1
4 1
IN.ATOM = atom.config
MD_DETAIL = 1 100 1 300 300 #MD, MSTEP, DT, TEMP1, TEMP2
MP_N123 = 1 1 1 0 0 0 2
- MD_DETAIL: controls the molecular dynamics details.
- MD: the method of MD algorithm, 1: Verlet(NVE).
- MSTEP: the number of MD stpes.
- DT: the time length for each MD step (fs, 1fs=1.0E-15s).
- TEMP1, TEMP2: the beginning and final temperature (in Kelvin).
===== Calculations =====
- You can submit PWmat tasks in different ways:
mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output
Run the command directly
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -l walltime=100:00:00
ulimit -s unlimited
mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output
Submit the task with a pbs script
- For MD calculation, files to watch during relaxations.
> MDSTEPS: concisely reports about the atomic relaxation steps. A typical RELAXSTEPS file looks like:
Iter(fs)= 0.100000E+01 Etot,Ep,Ek(eV)= -0.1391631878E+06 -0.1391656624E+06 0.2474566470E+01 Temp(K)= 598.25336 aveTemp(K)= 598.25336 dE= 0.10E-02 dRho= 0.32E-03 SCF= 6 dL= 0.75E-02 Fcheck= 0.973E+00
Iter(fs)= 0.200000E+01 Etot,Ep,Ek(eV)= -0.1391631867E+06 -0.1391656490E+06 0.2462251387E+01 Temp(K)= 595.27606 aveTemp(K)= 596.76471 dE= -.82E-03 dRho= 0.23E-03 SCF= 3 dL= 0.75E-02 Fcheck= 0.921E+00
Iter(fs)= 0.300000E+01 Etot,Ep,Ek(eV)= -0.1391631839E+06 -0.1391656291E+06 0.2445185018E+01 Temp(K)= 591.15008 aveTemp(K)= 594.89316 dE= -.84E-03 dRho= 0.18E-03 SCF= 3 dL= 0.74E-02 Fcheck= 0.860E+00
Iter(fs)= 0.980000E+02 Etot,Ep,Ek(eV)= -0.1391631836E+06 -0.1391647989E+06 0.1615347915E+01 Temp(K)= 390.52793 aveTemp(K)= 464.12570 dE= -.90E-02 dRho= 0.43E-04 SCF= 2 dL= 0.57E-02 Fcheck= 0.893E+00
Iter(fs)= 0.990000E+02 Etot,Ep,Ek(eV)= -0.1391631835E+06 -0.1391648020E+06 0.1618521791E+01 Temp(K)= 391.29525 aveTemp(K)= 463.39004 dE= -.18E-01 dRho= 0.40E-04 SCF= 2 dL= 0.57E-02 Fcheck= 0.102E+01
Iter(fs)= 0.100000E+03 Etot,Ep,Ek(eV)= -0.1391631880E+06 -0.1391648061E+06 0.1618121193E+01 Temp(K)= 391.19840 aveTemp(K)= 462.66812 dE= -.26E-01 dRho= 0.33E-04 SCF= 2 dL= 0.57E-02 Fcheck= 0.974E+00
> REPORT: more detailed information about every electronic and MD step
- Other important files.
> final.config: holds the structure of the last MD step.
> MOVEMENT: holds the structures of every MD steps.