====== Charge system relaxation calculation ====== Relaxation for C-doped BN system ===== Input files ===== atom.config 72 LATTICE 14.99639988 0.00000000 0.00000000 -7.49819994 12.98726326 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 20.00000000 POSITION 5 0.05556000 0.11111000 0.25000000 1 1 1 5 0.22221999 0.11111000 0.25000000 1 1 1 5 0.38888998 0.11111000 0.25000000 1 1 1 ... 7 0.61111000 0.88889008 0.25000000 1 1 1 7 0.77777999 0.88889008 0.25000000 1 1 1 7 0.94444005 0.88889008 0.25000000 1 1 1 6 0.38888999 0.44444001 0.25000000 1 1 1 etot.input 4 1 JOB = RELAX NUM_ELECTRON = 288 IN.PSP1 = B.SG15.PBE.UPF IN.PSP2 = C.SG15.PBE.UPF IN.PSP3 = N.SG15.PBE.UPF IN.ATOM = atom.config RELAX_DETAIL = 1 100 0.01 Ecut = 50 Ecut2 = 200 MP_N123 = 1 1 1 0 0 0 E_ERROR = 0.0 - NUM_ELECTRON is the total number of occupied valence electron in the system, one can use it to make the system charged. B.SG15.PBE.UPF, C.SG15.PBE.UPF, N.SG15.PBE.UPF B.SG15.PEB.UPF, C.SG15.PBE.UPF, and N.SG15.PBE.UPF are the pseudopotential files. ===== Calculations ===== - You can submit PWmat tasks in different ways: mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output Run the command directly #!/bin/bash #PBS -N SCF #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4 #PBS -q batch #PBS -l walltime=100:00:00 ulimit -s unlimited cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR mpirun -np 4 PWmat | tee output Submit the task with a pbs script - For RELAXATION calculation, files to watch during relaxations. > RELAXSTEPS: concisely reports about the atomic relaxation steps. A typical RELAXSTEPS file looks like: It= -1 CORR E= -0.1267760205584E+05 Av_F= 0.61E+00 M_F= 0.41E+01 dE= 0.48E-03 dRho= 0.40E-04 SCF= 33 dL= 0.00E+00 p*F= 0.00E+00 p*F0= 0.00E+00 Fch= 0.00E+00 It= 0 NEW E= -0.1267351064854E+05 Av_F= 0.20E+01 M_F= 0.12E+02 dE= 0.21E-03 dRho= 0.38E-04 SCF= 18 dL= -0.37E+00 p*F= 0.29E+02 p*F0= -0.90E+01 Fch= 0.93E+00 It= 1 CORR E= -0.1267810094490E+05 Av_F= 0.17E+00 M_F= 0.71E+00 dE= 0.56E-04 dRho= 0.44E-04 SCF= 11 dL= -0.95E-01 p*F= 0.12E+00 p*F0= -0.90E+01 Fch= 0.10E+01 It= 2 NEW E= -0.1267804036855E+05 Av_F= 0.31E+00 M_F= 0.17E+01 dE= 0.26E-03 dRho= 0.42E-04 SCF= 12 dL= -0.83E-01 p*F= 0.36E+01 p*F0= -0.24E+01 Fch= 0.92E+00 ... It= 16 CORR E= -0.1267817922913E+05 Av_F= 0.21E-02 M_F= 0.67E-02 dE= 0.54E-04 dRho= 0.14E-04 SCF= 2 dL= -0.55E-03 p*F= -0.41E-02 p*F0= -0.60E-01 Fch= 0.72E+00 It= 17 *END E= -0.1267817922913E+05 Av_F= 0.21E-02 M_F= 0.67E-02 dE= 0.54E-04 dRho= 0.14E-04 SCF= 2 dL= -0.55E-03 p*F= -0.41E-02 p*F0= -0.60E-01 Fch= 0.72E+00 > REPORT: more detailed information about every electronic and ionic step - Other important files. > final.config: holds the structure of the last ionic step, the structural result (also very important for restarting a relaxation) > MOVEMENT: holds the structures of every ionic step during relaxations.